О компании

Cooperation with Netwell

  • 100+ Employees in the company
  • 400+ Partners in Russia and the CIS
  • 40+ Manufacturing companies
  • 20 Years of experience in the market

Netwell is a distributor of high-tech equipment.

Why do we use the word "high tech"? Because for 20 years we have been carefully selecting the most promising global manufacturers and making their products available on the Russian and CIS markets. All solutions that we offer are technological leaders in their niches.

Наши принципы – здоровая конкуренция и защита интересов партнера. Здоровая конкуренция – это когда ни один вендор, каким бы крупным монополистом он ни был, не может диктовать заказчикам или партнёрам невыгодные условия. Если это происходит с вами - мы всегда предложим альтернативу!

Become a partner

Our advantages:

  • Investments

    If any solutions are presented at Netwell,
    we guarantee that
    the company employs some of the best specialists in the market for these technologies. It also means that Netwell has the widest selection of demo equipment for testing and pilot projects. We train engineers so that partners can safely count on us at all stages of the sale of a complex project.

  • Individual approach

    You can be sure that
    each partner is important and special for us.
    We always offer the best possible terms of delivery or payment, currency risk hedging, etc., based on the specific situation.

  • Marketing

    We host a huge number of
    events for vendors.
    These are educational webinars, press conferences, partner meetings and
    much more. If partners want to present our solutions to customers, we will not only be happy to help organize this, but also participate financially.
